Science Tasks with Otis & Flask: Earth's Resources- Rocks

Third, Fourth, Fifth Grade



Science Content:

In these activities, students compare properties, or characteristics, of rocks. It is a critical skill to develop because in later grades they will use properties to identify minerals (e.g., Mohs hardness test) and to explain types of rocks (i.e., sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic). 


Estimated Time: 1-2 class periods


Science Tasks with Otis and Flask are designed to help 3rd to 5th grade students revisit and build upon critical science concepts. These centers within the program complement your existing curriculum as lead-ins or follow ups to the science topics.

This activity is an introductory lesson on rocks that gives students an opportunity to develop skills in comparing the similarities and the differences in properties of rocks. Activities include hands-on observations and readings.


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