Science Tasks with Otis & Flask: Fossils

Third, Fourth, Fifth Grade



Science Content:

Observe and explore how fossils provide evidence about animals and plants that lived long ago and the nature of the environment at that time.


Estimated Time: 1-2 class periods


Science Tasks with Otis and Flask are designed to help 3rd to 5th grade students revisit and build upon critical science concepts. These centers within the program complement your existing curriculum as lead-ins or follow ups to the science topics.

Students will observe photos of fossils and artist rendered images of the organism. The center is designed to help students think through their understanding of present-day environments and organisms in order to make interpretations about fossils and changes that could affect an organism's survival.

This science center is designed so that students use their observational data and knowledge of modern organisms to answer a question, then they explain their thinking and check their answer. They repeat this process, each time reinforcing the context.

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