Science Tasks with Otis & Flask: Characteristics of Physical and Chemical Change

Third, Fourth, Fifth Grade



Science Content:

Identify characteristics of a simply physical change

Identify characteristics of a simple chemical change, when a new materials is made by combining two or more materials


Estimated Time: 1-2 class periods


Science Tasks with Otis and Flask are designed to help 3rd to 5th grade students revisit and build upon critical science concepts. These centers within the program complement your existing curriculum as lead-ins or follow ups to the science topics.

Students will investigate and classify the type of change in two different mini-experiments. in the first experiment students will combine a small piece of Alka-Seltzer and vinegar and identify characteristics (bubbling, formation of a gas at room temperature) that would classify the process as a simple chemical change. In the second experiment, students separate iron fillings from sand using a magnet and classify the mixing of the sand and iron as a physical change.


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